Things got back to normal this month. I took advantage of the relative calm to put the new phone through its photographic paces.
Anna Marie, looking serious and photogenic as usual.
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Remember last November when we found out ladybugs weren’t all that cute close up? Apparently Arby’s reubens aren’t improved, either.
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The warm weather prompted us to replace the grill. They look so good when they’re new.
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This bit of carpet scrap and dead leaf arranged themselves into an interesting configuration.
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And these pens in a rack made an interesting pattern.
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Even without much exposure control, the iPhone can still get some dramatic sky shots.
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This is one of the blog’s most popular posts. That’s at least in part because I Facebooked it with the comment, “Draw me like one of your French cats.”
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An abandoned chew toy on the floor of Amigos on State.
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