October proved to be a reasonably good month for photography. It started with the year’s last trip to the ballpark.
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One Saturday morning it rained hard enough to get the excess bubbling up from the drains.
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Every year I promise myself that I’m going to get a good set of darkroom work photos. And every year I neglect it until it’s too late. At least this year I got a few photos in the darkroom, including this odd angle.
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At mid-month we took a weekend trip to southern Missouri. The lobby in the hotel had a cooler full of water and fruit.
Nikon D7000, 82mm (28-200), 1/40, f/5, ISO 1600 |
The next day we went prowling around the back roads, splashing in creeks and the like.
Nikon D7000, 200mm (28-200), 1/2000, f/5.6, ISO 2500 |
After an eternity of promising to get a burn permit and get rid of some yard waste, this year we finally did it.
Nikon D3000, 55mm (18-55), 1/160, f/6.3, ISO 100 |
The combination of film and photo students inevitably leads to mishaps, such as this strip that was exposed to light before being properly loaded in a developing tank.
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And of course, Happy Halloween!
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