Nikon D3000, 10.5mm, 1/400, f/10, ISO 100, cropped and adjusted |
Earlier this month my wife and I took a trip to New Mexico. Amy was there to work, which left me with some time on my hands. Figuring I might not make it back to this part of the country again anytime soon, I picked a couple of destinations I’d been meaning to visit.
The first was the Very Large Array radio observatory, 50 miles west of Soccoro, New Mexico. I’ve loved astronomy ever since I was a kid, and though I don’t have the math skills to pursue it seriously, I still like to visit museums, observatories and the like. If you’re into this sort of thing, the VLA is definitely worth a trip. It’s refreshing to see a government operation that’s actually open and accessible to the public. The tour was excellent; the guide even sounded like
Carl Sagan. Just don’t trust Apple Maps to tell you where the turn is.
I lucked out in the timing department. The dishes were in their A configuration, which meant that they were as close together as they got. If they had been in the D configuration, they would have been more than 20 miles apart and not such an awesome photo op.
Even so, photographing them was a challenge. To convey a sense of the scene, the photo had to do two things: show all the dishes (or at least as many of them as possible) and convey just how big they were. Accomplishing one of the two tasks was easy. I used a wide angle lens to take the picture at the top of this post. It caught the whole array. But the scale is hard to read. Without something familiar for a scale reference, these could be no bigger than the dish currently serving as a weed arbor in my neighbor’s yard.
Getting in closer and adding some people to the composition helps establish the scale. But now you can’t see the array.
Nikon D7000, 32mm (18-55), 1/1000, f/16, ISO 800 |
Of course I could always piece a pan shot together. This does the job if you can view it at full resolution. But shrunk down to a web-friendly size, it isn’t much better than the first picture.
Nikon D7000, 50mm (18-55), 1/800, f/14, ISO 800, pan |
Here’s about as close as I could come to a good compromise:
Nikon D7000, 36mm (18-55), 1/1000, f/16, ISO 800 |